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AMOROSO Catalogue


2D Lidar

Hokuyo UTM-30LX

A compact, high-speed device designed for robotic applications. Its internal filtering and protective housing make it suitable for outdoor use, and its low power consumption allows operation on battery-powered platforms. 

Leuze RSL430

The RSL 430 safety laser scanner boasts a 0.1-degree angular resolution, allowing for extensive operating ranges and resistance to dust and particles.

Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW

The upgraded version of the UTM-30-LX. This newer model can record multiple reflections (multi-echo), allowing the software to detect surfaces which have a minimal reflectiveness such as transparent surfaces.


This 2D LIDAR scanner offers a 360° angular range and includes built-in SLAM functions, making it ideal for applications like robot navigation and positioning.

TIM561 Lidar

A 2D Lidar perfectly suitable for outdoor use.

3D Lidar

RoboSense RS Bpearl

A 3D 360° LiDAR with a wide hemispherical field of view. It excels in detecting obstacles and objects within 10 cm of the LiDAR.

Sick MRS1104C

A 4 Channel 3D LiDAR scanner.


Realsense D435 RGB-D

This camera by Realsense boasts a 1080p resolution and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Stereolabs Zed 2

A stereo camera that provides high definition 3D video and neural depth perception of the environment.

Altus NR3 RTK

A compact GNSS Rover useful for suveying & GIS applications.

Septentrio AsteRx Sbi3 Pro+

A multi-frequency receiver designed for precise centimeter-level positioning and provides 3D orientation in challenging environments.


Variense VMU931

A compact and cost-effective inertial measurement unit (IMU) that records angular velocity, linear acceleration, and magnetic field data.


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